In 2011, PDVSA was left with just$ 11 billion, or 9%, of its total income, to fund future operations. 2011年,委内瑞拉石油公司被压榨到只剩110亿美元,即总收入的9%,用于投入将来的运营。
In exchange for money, marketing, and ( sometimes) prestige, seeders get some combination of an equity stake in the business and a cut of the fee income generated by the fund for an agreed upon period of time. 种子投资人提供资金、协助推介,有时可能还会给对冲基金带来好名声,作为回报,投资人将获得对冲基金的股权以及约定时间内的部分基金管理费收入。
In crude terms, if the assets produce a negative income, the fund will need more of them to match a given liability. 粗略来说,如果资产产生的收益为负,那么基金就需要更多资产来匹配给定的负债。
By working together and presenting a collective face, it should be possible to attract more secure income to a new central fund held by the World Bank. 通过合作并以集体面貌出现,它就有可能把更可靠的收入吸引到世界银行运营的一个新的中央基金中来。
If your investment choice is not specified below, the Trustee will invest the relevant contributions in the default fund-CMG Stable Income Fund. 如阁下并未于下方提供投资选择,受托人将把有关供款投资于设定基金-康联平稳基金。
Mr Rogers has more than 120 stocks in the Equity Income fund portfolio, with turnover of less than 20 per cent a year ( the typical actively managed fund has a turnover of close to 100 per cent). 罗杰斯管理的EquityIncome基金投资组合中有120多只股票,而每年的换手率不到20%。(一般的主动管理型基金年换手率接近100%。)
Given their voracious demand for secure fixed income, global investors would fund this at extremely low rates. 考虑到全球投资者对于安全固定收益证券的贪婪需求,他们会愿意以极低的利率购买这些债券。
Provided that the Financial Secretary may direct that an annual supervision fee to be determined by him shall be charged against the income of the fund and paid into the general revenue of Hong kong. 但政司可指示基金收益中,徵收一管年,以入香港政府一般收入,目由政司定。
Urban residents must pay a portion of their income into Public Housing Fund to be eligible for low-interest loans, while their employers also contribute. 住房公积金制度是指城镇职工必须将收入的一部分缴存住房公积金,以获取低利率住房贷款。职工所在单位也需为职工缴纳一部分公积金。
Historical income distribution of hedge fund is not subjected the traditional normal distribution. 对冲基金历史收益分布不服从传统分析中的正态分布,其形态具有明显的偏度和宽尾。
The percentage of tuition income to total education fund in general higher education is too rapid, climbing from 13.31% in 1998 to 30.41% in 2004, which means 2-3 percentage growth every year. 我国普通高校学费占教育经费比例也提高太快,从1998年的13.31%提高到2004年的30.41%。平均每年提高2-3个百分点。
With the prick of the aging process and increase of health expenditure, medical insurance fund emphasizing on payment based on income and pursuing in fund's balance is facing the pressure of fund's imbalance. 随着老龄化进程的加剧,卫生费用持续增长,强调“以收定支”,力求基金平衡的医保基金面临出险的压力。
Vocational schools, without funds support, have to run upon the tuition income and equity fund, but the prerequisite of doing this is that they can recruit enough students. 私立技专校院在未有其它资助下,必依赖学生学杂费收入及自有资金方能正常营运,但前提必须能招足学生。
The conflict between fund management company and fund holder is caused because the income of fund management company comes from the management expense debiting from fund while the management expenses are deducted from fund net assets which caused the deduction of fund holders 'income. 基金管理公司与基金持有人利益的冲突的根源在于:基金管理公司的收入来自于向基金收取的管理费用,而管理费用是直接从基金净资产中扣除的,这样持有人的收益就相应的减少了。
Avoiding contribution make old-age insurance fund income well below fund pay the demand a large number of, old-age insurance system is undertaking the enormous financial risk to support parents, the system faces the predicament. 大量的逃费使得养老保险基金收入远低于基金给付需求,养老保险制度承担着巨大财务风险,制度面临困境。
The emphasis of this dissertation lies in using the Modern Portfolio Theory to set up Insurance Investment Funds, so as to widen the channels of insurance fund application, raise the income of the insurance fund and reduce the risk; 本文重点在于应用现代投资组合理论设立保险投资基金,以此拓宽保险资金运用的渠道,提高保险资金的收益和降低风险;
The aim of the securities tax is mainly about raising fiscal income, regulating the fund circulation, safeguarding the justice in society and controlling the cost of transaction, adjusting the frequency of deal. 证券市场税收政策的目标主要是筹集财政收入、调节资金流向、维护社会公平和控制交易成本及调节交易频率。
Research on the Noise Trading Behavior and the Income of Investment Fund Manager 基金经理的噪声交易行为与其薪酬
Contents of the feeding include policies of industrial products, tax income, price, fund and insurance, as well as the industrialized system and idea, etc. 从内容上讲,主要包括工业产品、税收、价格、工业化制度、工业化理念、资金和保险支持等。
Through calculating the cost and income fund flows under the risk neutral measures, a framework of a "break-even" pricing model is established, and a mathematic formula of pricing a credit loan is deduced. 通过在风险中性测度下计算贷款成本支出和收入的现金流,建立了盈亏平衡下定价模型的框架,数学推导出了定价公式。
The main source of Annuity fund is from the payment of plan participants and the investment operation income of the fund. 我国企业年金基金的来源方式主要是年金计划参与者的缴费及缴费投资运作所获得的投资收益。
Therefore, fund management companies should maintain the control and fund managers stable to protect the income of fund investors. 因此,基金管理公司应保持控制权和基金经理的相对稳定,从而保护基金投资者的分红收益。
For the financial organ, the bill discounting may obtain more interest income; the fund takes back quickly and safely. 对金融机构来说,票据贴现可获得利息收益较多、资金收回较快、资金收回较安全等。
Information Ratio as a modified Treynor index use the non-systematic to amend the income of the Fund, in order to examine the ability of fund managers actively manage. 信息比率作为改良式的Treynor指数,以非系统风险修正基金的收益,以此考察基金经理主动管理能力的高低。
For many period, and puts forward the calculating should return with geometrical average yield opinions of computation, can be used to accurately measure the actual income fund application performance. 对于多期间内的收益率计算,提出了应以几何平均收益率计算的观点,可以准确地衡量资金运用表现的实际收益情况。
Supposing that the potential income of redeeming investors is higher than the average accumulated unrealized income of fund investors, the external effect of redeeming behavior is negative to other investors. 赎回投资者的潜在收益高于其他基金投资者的平均累积未实现收益,其赎回行为对其他投资者存在负向的外部效应,反之,赎回行为则对其他投资者存在正向的外部效应。
Articles of chapter III is the income of the Fund and the evaluation of the risk of introduction and empirical analysis. 文章的第三章是基金收益与风险的评价指标介绍与实证分析。
First, this chapter explains the concept of the open-end fund, the fund family and spillover effects. Next, gives a brief introduction to the sources of income of the fund management company. 第三章是本文的理论部分,首先解释了开放式基金、基金家族、溢出效应等相关概念内容,接着简单介绍了基金管理公司的收入来源。
However, when the fund size becomes larger, due to diminishing returns to scale and the liquidity constraints, eventually leading to the decline in income of the fund. 但是当基金规模进一步增大时,由于规模收益递减,对基金收益的影响开始减弱,而流动性约束越来越凸显,最终导致基金收益的下滑。